#eye #eye


The following character is an AI generated depiction of a 3d maya model I created several years ago when I was 16 in a game design course. I created a basic video game map using unity and ethan was the only playable character. Since his inception, he has become a sort of novelty to me when approaching various creative and technical projects and I would hide him in works I made, becoming an “easter egg” and I felt that he should make an appearance on my website to those who are able to find him!

It’s somewhat true what they say about us being in a digital dark age, which according to Wikipedia, “is a lack of historical information in the digital age as a direct result of outdated file formats, software, or hardware that becomes corrupt, scarce, or inaccessible as technologies evolve and data decays.” 
Sadly in 2021 Ethan was lost forever during a syncing error when transitioning over to a new device but his memory lives on. I hope to regenerate him and give the character a “new life” as we enter web3 and perhaps he might make it to the metaverse...
